The History of the Electric Guitar
By: Paul Smith
When most people think of electric guitars, they think of rock music. But electric guitars are more versatile than you’d think. You can find them in jazz, blues, country music, New-Age compositions, and even contemporary classical pieces. Electric guitars are intimately associated with many famous musicians of the twentieth century—and may be the iconic musical instrument of our time.

By: Kirk Downing
Playing Guitar - How Easy Is It?There is more to playing guitar than just learning the basic chords and strumming along to your favorite tune. If you have the talent, determination, and ability, you can make playing guitar a very profitable career option.

Find a Good Teacher - There is no substitution for a good guitar teacher. You can buy all the books and videos you want, but in order to really become a good guitar player, you need to learn from a pro.A professional guitar teacher has the experience and wisdom necessary to teach you how to become a proper guitar player. Books, videos, and the Internet for that matter, lack in their ability to provide you with feedback and advice.A good guitar teacher will correct you if you are doing something wrong so that you don't form bad habits or techniques. A good guitar teacher will also encourage you when you are doing something right.
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